“As for me, all I know is that I know nothing.” – Socrates (probably)
I wish to unite a somewhat urgent meeting with you and several other closest and most trusted minds. While being aware of certain information and ideas since 2001, perhaps I was intimidated by the breath and scope. Or perhaps my focus on fighting the absurd ‘war on drugs,’ which had affected me more directly, seemed like a more manageable goal. But over the past seven years, I have done my best to research and rationalize away from what increasingly seems to be an Orwellian reality, without adequate success. Therefore, I feel this need to reveal my opinions to an unprecedented degree. In this endeavor, I hope I am not, though assume I am, unknowingly plagiarizing ideas of great minds past. But rest assured: I am still, and always will be, an absolute pacifist.
The topics I am touching on here are only being raised here because I have found enough solid evidence to support them. The bits of evidence I do briefly touch upon can found via Google and my research database, InfowarDocs.org, described at the end. My hope is that some of these issues alarm you too, and we can find solutions together.
Background On My World View
These are the most difficult, and highest level issues to wrestle with in search of truth. Usually we have the official story on one side and the ‘conspiracy theorists’ providing an alternate story. But rarely do we receive rational debate based on facts and evidence from both sides, let alone an official response to accusations. Instead, the two sides endlessly write off each others’ arguments as coming from the crazies, blinded or corrupted. My tendencies lean on the side of those promoting transparency over secrecy. Therefore, I am particularly skeptical of the motives of those who categorically deny the evidence for such theories, no matter how strongly it is based in science or public record.
Raised solidly from the left, one of my earliest memories from elementary school is of writing George H W Bush a letter, including silly clip art, pleading against the war in Iraq . I have always voted for Democrats except a protest vote for Nader in 2000 when Maryland was safe for Gore. But my belief in the right for anybody to put anything into their bodies, absent harm to others, (all drugs should be taxed and regulated) opened me to many of the libertarian concepts. But at the end of the day, I disagree with the right-left paradigm and do not think any two parties could ever provide a true democracy.
While raised with a firm belief in capitalism, I simultaneously believe that certain things should be not be based in profit, like basic food, shelter, health care and protection of the environment…to the extreme that it would be far more effective to feed and shelter peoples of the Middle East rather than invade and murder them in reaction to the 9/11 attacks. Hence, I do not think the appropriate question is asking what form of capitalism or socialism is best, but rather we must accept the fact that we have no working examples of superior forms of government which could obey truth and citizens’ interest.
Similarly, I am not against globalization, but rather I am concerned with the motives and methods which have thus far been used to covertly bring in world governmental bodies that we already know like the United Nations and World Trade Organization. I do think most people in these organizations have good intentions. Have you heard of the North American Union, which quietly began merging the United States with Canada and Mexico in 2005? While there are certain realities which require countries to coordinate closely with each other, but this can be done without loss of sovereignty and human rights, using transparent and honest methods.
9/11 Was A False Flag Attack
“False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations or other organizations, which are designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities.” (Wikipedia)
In the days following 9/11, the official story developing and the war drum beating towards the Middle East was inherently illogical to me (blaming Osama bin Laden the ex-CIA asset and Al Qaeda, which we now know was at the time merely the name of one of our intelligence databases). First, how could our citizens assume we did not deserve such an attack despite the [covertly] inflicted terrorism and wars we have promoted around the world through the decades? Second, how could unilaterally invading any country possibly improve our national security? Of course, it was clear to everyone that such logic pales to the forces of the military-industrial complex, and yet I felt very nervous about making many of my ‘unpatriotic’ views public.
The ‘USA Patriot Act’ earned my attention both as a drug policy activist and as one with an open ear to ‘conspiracy theorists.’ As it was clear to most, this was a blatant slap in the face to our Constitution and our basic rights, sold to the public as a required trade of freedoms for security. While we have never had something close to a pure democracy, now even our basic liberties and rights are too threatened. And of course, our country’s invasions of the Middle East were fear-mongered missteps in defiance of US and international law.
But as increasing 9/11 evidence and analysis have come out over the years, it has become increasing conclusive in my mind that the official story was at best, a gross mismanagement of foreknowledge by multiple agencies. At worst, it is much closer to an intentional plot including some of the nation’s highest leaders to quickly progress their pre-declared goals of war and a state of security. But from years of interest and study in basic physics, simply watching the nearly free-fall collapse of the World Trade Center buildings, through the path of most resistance, inherently screamed to me that these were controlled demolitions…and I knew I was not alone (patriotsquestion911.com).
To this day, the victims of 9/11 still have not had 70% of their questions answered, including two of the most smoking guns, in my opinion:
- The controlled demolition of World Trade Center Building 7, not hit by any planes
- This statement from the 9/11 Commission Report: “To date, the US Government has not been able to determine the origin of the money used for the 9/11 attacks. Ultimately the question is of little practical significance.”
Intelligence whistle blowers and rare media outlets have found fairly convincing paper trails, much more informative than the official 9/11 Commission. Far beyond that, just two months ago Niels Harrit and his team of chemists at the University of Copenhagen published a peer-reviewed paper confirming the discovery of un-reacted nano-thermite (thermate) explosives in World Trade Center dust in New York City . Nano-thermite, is extremely advanced and currently only publicly known to be used by the US Department of Defense and military. This finding is in direct conflict with the conclusions of fire-based collapse provided by FEMA, NIST and the 9/11 Commission.
So while the attacks gave all governments across the world a great boost in power, increasingly clear to me that our US leaders allowed, if not provided, this problem to which they could directly push through their narrow-scoped set of solutions. These are the conclusions I have come to thus far on this event, and I strongly encourage you to learn as much as you can to reach your own conclusions. Unfortunately, given all the evidence I have reviewed, I can only believe that 9/11 was a false flag attack.
Is A Policy Paradigm Shift Actually Happening?
While it is good for people to come to these realizations now, it is obviously far too late to stop the mass deaths from wars and torture. We are almost eight years out from this event, and people reaching these conclusions are still categorically considered ‘crazies’ by the mainstream media. This sets an extremely dangerous precedent as to how much the government is still able to get away despite this budding age of information, a renaissance which I hope ushers in a paradigm of ultimate respect for truth…but this is clearly not the agenda of the top policy makers.
Ever since the 9/11 false flag, we have seen such a rapid disassembly of our constitutional liberties and rights, but more importantly President Obama seems to be defending far too many of these abominations. One major turning point for me was his recent speech delivered in the National Archives in front of the US Constitution, during which he defended the use of prolonged detentions, the guilty before proven innocent logic (we still have plenty of legal loopholes remaining open for torture and rendition)…it felt straight out of Orwell, and offended me to my very core. Simultaneously, the new administration is saying we should not investigate and prosecute the crimes of the past administration, and instead focus on the future…one must remember that we are only supposed to prosecute crimes which have occurred in the past.
During his excellent speech in Cairo , A New Beginning, he echoed another core George W Bush principle, “I am aware that some question or justify the events of 9/11. But let us be clear: Al Qaeda killed nearly 3,000 people on that day.”
President Obama’s constitutional law background (which I was so naively counting on) does not appear to be enough for truly fundamental change, absent widespread pressure from citizens. While much of the rhetoric is still sounding good, there seem to be inadequate actions on most fronts to back it up. Since I was a supporter of the Obama campaign (knowing Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul would probably not be able to win), I still like to believe that he has good intentions deep down but we must free him from his handlers to see them enacted.
Grave Concerns About ‘State Of Emergency ’ Executive Powers
Even our internet is now (publicly) being threatened with the Cybersecurity Act of 2009, by Senator John D Rockefeller IV, Chairman of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. This would give the executive branch the power to shut down or retrieve loosely defined ‘critical’ data throughout the internet in a case of emergency (which is absolutely possible from a technical standpoint). If passed this gives the power to end our key source of free speech or fully shut down the internet as we know it.
This is only the most recent in the growing ‘emergency’ powers the executive branch has been accumulating over the past 50 years to the point where the US President can truly act as a dictator, and martial law can be imposed over every aspect of our country. Unfortunately, martial law is also much more realistic than it might sound. The military and police have become increasingly integrated across the country since 9/11, in addition to the availability of international forces if need be (North American Union, United Nations). While some would argue that we need policies in place as contingency plans, to me this argument does not hold to me. The same people providing such solutions are also creating, or at least driving us towards, the crises in which it could be ‘needed.’
The threat of martial law really hit me a month ago during the height of the bogus swine flu scare, which the World Health Organization used to practice pandemic alert level 5 (after tweaking the requirements to declare it). With George W. Bush’s Executive Directive 51 and other directives, the US President can declare a ‘state of emergency’ from this alert level (the final level 6 would have made it far more likely). That week I watched a lawyer on a FOX news show rationalizing and mentally preparing people to accept martial law should it be imposed, and now there are discussions in the media debating forced inoculations for the fall.
Even if this spring’s harmless yet unprecedented swine flu was not hatched in a US military lab, as many voices argue, I feel our world leaders and their industry counterparts have far too much control over our collective and individual fate. To me, this is yet another largely unseen example of how far we have strayed from the democracy I was taught; just how little voice we effectively have, and the potential for certain interests to force their problem on us, followed by their solution, without a care for our principles or liberties.
While I am in no way an economist, my research on our financial system as we’ve known it for the past 100 years points to its acute design for inevitable collapse. Even without ridiculous blank checks to banks (and who knows what’s in the stimulus package), we pay interest on the money which is privately printed for us, and we can therefore never break even with our collective debt. Through this inherent debt on currency, derivatives tools and exponentially growing government spending (in the past decades for tools of destruction rather than creation), there are many indicators and economic experts say our current economic collapse will shortly include the end of our fiat dollar.
Taking The Next Steps
I would like to believe we can solve all these core problems with the right kind of policy actions, even if we cannot determine what, if any, specific group(s) of individuals are enclosing this trap upon us. But I am conflicted because this strategy, as with any policy-based activist movement, it would require the broadest public mobilization. While maybe this may be a possibility given the impending financial collapse of our society, one of my key questions is if we have time before our financial collapse is combined with one state of emergency of choice to usher in a new darker age in place of a renaissance.
Furthermore, I cannot help but feel that in retrospect, our human race will be defined by whether we can resist our own self-destruction and evolve past violence and corruption, to possibly become more significant force of creation and truth in our universe.
When I hit my breaking point a month or two ago and needed to start taking action, I built a simple online database to help me catalog and aggregate the mostly mainstream articles and public records upon which these ‘conspiracy theories’ are based, or as I find more appropriate, ‘agenda analysis.’ INFOWARdocs.org now has over 2,300 links to news articles, documents (both government and corporate) and videos, organized by over 1,700 keywords, with basic options to filter and search. To get started on your research, I would advise loading the site and filtering for topics that interest you, reading some headlines, then reading the details than interest you.
So I find myself in desperate need of your counsel as to what we must do to preserve the rights and ideals we were all raised to hold most dear. I would love to be proven wrong by you on as much of this as possible, but know we are all crippled by the filters through which all evidence is processed. So I wish to recruit you to check my work, bring your perspective to the table, and to collaborate on potential solutions and strategies. Thus far, here are some of the concrete solutions I feel may give us a chance without full-blown revolution:
- Campaign Finance Reform
so long as the politician with the most money usually gets elected we can never shed their corruption
- End the Federal Reserve
so long as we have no control over, and are indebted by the printing of our own currency, we are always at least partial slaves to some banking elite
- End Nuclear and Biological Weapons (world development and stockpiles)
as this is the easiest and most straight-forward ways for us to destroy ourselves
- End the Corporation
so long as corporations are entities which are legally obligated to maximize profits for the benefit of their shareholders, we can never shed their corruption - End the Central Intelligence Agency (and possibly the National Security Agency)
even if we need covertly collected intelligence, citizens cannot make informed decisions without transparency
I implore you to do as much research as you can, and join me for an initial meeting of our minds to help decide how we might best lead our generations away from Orwell’s world and towards positive and sustainable prosperity. I will be contacting you to try to organize one or two meetings between August and October at my house (maybe one on west coast if needed)…even though I understand very few will want to get involved with any of these issues (via activism), I need to gather your perspectives on these issues to determine their validity and strategies for solutions as thoroughly as possible. While sharing our ideas, it is also my hope that we will all learn a great deal and evolve our personal filters with which we each view our respective fields and lives. If you have a trusted friend who might be, it would be great to invite them too. I must thank my beloved parents and girlfriend for so patiently, rationally and respectfully debating these issues with me over the past few months, allowing me to clarify and verbalize what all of this means to me.
What do you think about a working title for these informal meetings?
2009 InfoWar and PeaceSummit
2009 InfoWar and Peace
Much love,
PS. I am also posting this letter online at http://infowarandpeace.blogspot.com with some imbedded hyperlinks regarding certain key information mentioned.
Requested Viewing Material For Your Review
Requested Viewing Material For Your Review
Yes, most of this is blatant propaganda promoted by various ‘conspiracy theorists.’ But they distribute the videos for free, don’t seem to own the mainstream media, must compete with the main line to the best of their abilities, and I assume none of us have the time to read all of the books one might need to grasp these concepts. As I strive to be, please be open-minded yet skeptical of all, and investigate deeper into topics which you may find particularly interesting, offensive or alarming. I would like to discuss, and possibly re-watch, some of these films when we meet. These should be accessible online through a Google search:
1. America : Freedom to Fascism (2006, 111 minutes)
Important documentary by Aaron Russo, on the unconstitutionality of the federal income tax and the federal reserve system. Ties in a bit with the USA Patriot Act and its atrocities to our constitution.
2. The Obama Deception (2009, 111 minutes)
A decent post-partisan overview as to where we stand today as of May 15th, by Alex Jones who has also made some of the most damning documentaries of the Bushes. The only significant statement of fact I have found to be false is that Timothy Geithner, not Barack Obama, got his first job from Henry Kissinger, the majority is simply public record. All accessible source articles displayed can be quickly found in my INFOWARdocs.org database.
3. Loose Change Final Cut (2007, 130 minutes)
The brute logic, eyewitness and scientific evidence one can use to cut through the official conspiracy theory sold by the 9/11 Commission. The third version of a classic, started by some of the original 9/11 Truthers in New York , contains much updated information. An earlier edition of this film was one of the few things specifically debated by the editors of Popular Mechanics, though I have not found their arguments to hold up. All accessible source articles displayed can be quickly found in my INFOWARdocs.org database.
4. Zeitgeist: Addendum (2008, 123 minutes)
The first Zeitgeist film’s first 1/3 focusing on religion has been widely contested and discredited information, and the rest of the 9/11 info is covered elsewhere. But this sequel focuses on the inherently illogical Federal Reserve system and an extensive interview with John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. Then in the end the Venus Project advocates for a new technologically-based social system (utopia), elements of which I find quite debatable, but if nothing else, is an important thought experiment.
This film, by one of the makers of Loose Change, Jason Bermas, does not focus on what happened on 9/11 but who did it and where the money trails lead. It follows the intelligence ties of Osama Bin Laden, the alleged hijackers, and those who were actually detained on 9/11. All accessible source articles displayed are found in my INFOWARdocs.org database.
6. End Game – Blueprint for Global Enslavement (2007, 139 minutes)
This Alex Jones film depicts a more hard-core doomsday analysis of the publicly stated goals of the elite, covering the Bilderberg Group, North American Union, eugenics and depopulation. While the depopulation agenda is so vast and integrated it might be impossible to conclusively prove, it is nonetheless a very important concept to be familiar with. All accessible source articles displayed are found in my INFOWARdocs.org database.
7. The Capitalist Conspiracy (1969, 47 minutes)
Similar to The Obama Deception, this is not so much about evils of capitalism, but the structures controlling both sides (capitalism and communism). Amazing how long these ideas have been around and little public opinion has changed since the 60s. Slightly harder to find online, but it is there.
8. Martial Law 9/11: Rise of the Police State (2005, 96 minutes)
This Alex Jones film provides specific examples and video footage of our country’s integration of the police and military forces since 9/11. All accessible source articles displayed are found in my INFOWARdocs.org database.
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